- Farnham, W. F.
- Marine Algae AR20: 43--44
- Farrah, R. W. E.
- Lighthouses, building and technical details AR44: 44--51
- Orientation of Church AR45: 43--56
- Prehistoric solar alignments AR42: 55--65
- Fayet, A.
- Manx Shearwater tracking AR62: 98--100
- Fiennes, Celia
- (as subject) The (mythical) Bird of Lundy AR32: 27--28
- Flack, A.
- Manx Shearwater tracking AR61: 104--108
- Fletcher, R. L.
- Marine Algae AR20: 43--44
- Flora
- see Plants
- Foster, J.
- Ecological fieldwork by Barnstaple Grammar School AR19: 40--41
- Fowler, P.
- Beacon Hill, early Christian cemetery AR20: 14--17
- Fowler, S. L.
- Marine monitoring 1984--90 AR43: 94--103
- Fox, E. M.
- Amateur radio contacts AR17: 27--28
- Freeman, R
- Manx Shearwater tracking AR62: 98--100
- Freshwater biology
- Crucian Carp AR27: 65--66
- Diatoms AR3: 32--41
- Fauna AR29: 46--48
- Flora and fauna AR37: 35--46
- Golden Well AR59: 76--80
- Mirror Carp AR32: 38--39
- Pond comparisons J4: 19--38
- Pondsbury AR30: 20--31