Every volume of the Annual report contains a list of bird species present and it was felt to be pointless to index every entry in these. Therefore only when special mention is made of the rarity of a bird (up to its third record) has the list entry been indexed. No account has been taken of the acceptance or otherwise of the sighting as, more often than not, this was never reported. This has lead to two entries under, for example, "Second record" if one was not accepted.
- Albino
- Species seen in 1952 AR6: 16--19
- Alpine Accentor AR52: 67--83
- First record AR44: 12--25
- Alpine Swift
- First record AR13: 8--31
- Note AR17: 6--11, AR20: 4--8, AR27: 5--12, AR27: 13
- American Robin
- First record AR6: 4--16
- Note AR6: 16--19, AR15: 6--15, AR33: 5--12
- Short note AR6: 16--19
- American Stint (Least Sandpiper)
- First record and note AR11: 7--22
- Analysis of pellets J4: 117--123
- Ancient Murrelet
- Aquatic Warbler
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Arctic Warbler
- First record AR13: 8--31
- Second record AR32: 5--12
- Baird's Sandpiper
- First record AR25: 6--12
- Note AR25: 12--13
- Second record AR40: 8--22
- Balearic Shearwater
- Second Record AR55: 21--48
- Baltimore Oriole
- First record (possible) AR12: 6--26
- Note AR18: 6--13, AR18: 14--17
- Barred Warbler
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Bee-eater
- Second record AR36: 5--17
- Third record AR52: 16--37
- Bewick's Swan
- First record AR42: 11--24
- Bimaculated Lark
- First record AR16: 3
- Black Guillemot
- First record AR62: 19--61
- Black Kite
- First record AR35: 5--12
- Second record AR40: 8--22
- Third record AR51: 32--74
- Black Redstart
- Weights and measurements in 1951--56 AR10: 45--48
- Black Tern
- Second record AR51: 32--74
- Black-billed Cuckoo
- First record AR18: 6--13
- Note AR18: 14--17
- Black-eared Wheatear
- Note AR38: 8--20
- Second record AR35: 5--12
- Black-faced Bunting
- First record AR51: 32--74
- Black-headed Bunting
- First record AR11: 7--22
- Note AR11: 7--22
- Second record AR44: 12--25
- Third record AR48: 9--24
- Black-throated Diver
- First record AR5: 5--17
- Blackbird
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Measurements in 1951--56 AR10: 42--44
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Short note AR6: 16--19
- Blackcap
- Exceptional numbers and weights in 1984 AR36: 21--22
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Blue-winged Teal
- First record AR38: 8--20
- Bluethroat
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Bobolink
- First record AR35: 5--12
- Bonelli's Warbler (see also Eastern and Western Bonelli's Warbler)
- First record AR8: 8--20
- Note AR8: 21--23, AR13: 32--43, AR31: 5--10
- Booted Warbler
- First record AR63: 21--55
- First record (possible) AR58: 25--61
- Bridled Tern
- Note AR28: 6--14
- Buff-breasted Sandpiper
- Note AR25: 13, AR26: 6--13, AR26: 14, AR34: 5--11, AR36: 5--17
- Second record AR13: 8--31
- Bullfinch
- Second record AR2: 6--17
- Cetti's Warbler
- First record AR53: 20--43
- Second record AR56: 20--39
- Third record AR59: 18--53
- Chaffinch
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Migration studies AR9: 25--27
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Chiffchaff
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Weights and measurements in 1951--56 AR10: 45--48
- Chough
- Second record AR6: 4--16
- Third record AR41: 8
- Citrine Wagtail
- First record AR49: 12--29
- Coal tit (continental sub species) AR60: 66
- Collared Dove
- First record AR14: 6--16
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Collared Flycatcher
- First record AR41: 8
- Common Pochard
- Second record AR8: 8--20
- Cormorant
- Numbers breeding in 1947--56 AR10: 48--53
- Numbers breeding in 1952 AR6: 23--24
- Numbers in 1948 AR2: 18--19
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1950 AR4: 18--19
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Cory's Shearwater
- Third record AR61: 28--62
- Curlew
- Feeding behaviour AR9: 27
- Dartford Warbler
- First record AR5: 5--17
- Note AR5: 17--21
- Desert Wheatear
- First record AR53: 20--43
- Dipper AR64: 60--63
- First record AR64: Plates 1--8, AR64: 60--63
- Distribution and abundance 2007--11 J3: 99--110
- Dunnock
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Eastern Bonelli's Warbler
- First record AR54: 16--38
- Eastern Phoebe
- First record AR38: 8--20
- Firecrest
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Fulmar J1: 41--46
- Breeding productivity in 2007 J1: 41--46
- Breeding productivity in 2008 J2: 91--104
- Breeding productivity in 2010 AR60: 18--46
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- Numbers breeding in 1947--56 AR10: 48--53
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Numbers in 2013 AR63: 85--92
- Population studies AR38: 24--32, AR47: 28--35
- Status in 1948 AR2: 26--27
- Gannet
- History of colony AR46: 39--42
- Note AR8: 21--23
- Garganey
- First record AR12: 6--26
- Glaucous Gull
- First record AR25: 6--12
- Note AR25: 14
- Second record AR34: 5--11
- Glossy Ibis
- First record this century AR38: 8--20
- Goldcrest
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Goldeneye
- Second record AR41: 8
- Third record AR27: 53--58, AR42: 11--24
- Goldfinch
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Goshawk
- First record AR5: 5--17
- Grasshopper Warbler
- Weights and measurements in 1951--56 AR10: 45--48
- Gray-cheeked Thrush
- First record AR36: 5--17
- Second record AR37: 8--18
- Great Auk
- Nesting site AR45: 33--34
- Great Black-backed Gull
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- Numbers breeding in 1952 AR6: 23--24
- Numbers breeding in 1953 AR7: 19--20
- Numbers breeding in 1954 AR8: 28--29
- Numbers breeding in 1955 AR9: 22--23
- Numbers in 1942--56 AR10: 36--37
- Numbers in 1948 AR2: 18--19
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1950 AR4: 18--19
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Numbers in 2013 AR63: 85--92
- Population studies AR10: 26--32, AR37: 21--25
- Great Grey Shrike
- Second record AR65: 20--57
- Great Spotted Cuckoo
- First record AR41: 8
- Great Spotted Woodpecker
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Green-winged Teal
- First record AR56: 20--39
- Greenish Warbler
- First record AR12: 6--26
- Second record AR24: 5--15
- Guillemot
- Breeding productivity in 2007 J1: 41--46
- Breeding productivity in 2008 J2: 85--90
- Breeding productivity in 2010 AR60: 18--46
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- Chick feeding ecology AR36: 25--26
- Colony on Devil's Chimney AR22: 13
- First-flight behaviour AR15: 17--22
- Note AR8: 21--23
- Numbers breeding in 1947--56 AR10: 48--53
- Numbers breeding in 1952 AR6: 23--24
- Numbers breeding in 1953 AR7: 19--20
- Numbers breeding in 1954 AR8: 28--29
- Numbers breeding in 1955 AR9: 22--23
- Numbers in 1942--56 AR10: 36--37
- Numbers in 1948 AR2: 18--19
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1950 AR4: 18--19
- Numbers in 1957 AR11: 24--26
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Numbers in 1970 AR21: 12
- Numbers in 1971 AR22: 9--10, AR22: 10--11
- Numbers in 1979 AR31: 67--69
- Numbers in 2013 AR63: 85--92
- Pollution in eggs AR23: 31--37
- Population studies AR38: 24--32, AR47: 28--35
- Results of ringing studies AR10: 19--25
- Gyrfalcon
- Note and fourth record AR23: 26--27
- Harlequin
- First record AR42: 11--24
- Herring Gull
- Aggression and nesting behaviour J4: 85--104
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- Numbers breeding in 1952 AR6: 23--24
- Numbers breeding in 1953 AR7: 19--20
- Numbers breeding in 1954 AR8: 28--29
- Numbers breeding in 1955 AR9: 22--23
- Numbers in 1942--56 AR10: 36--37
- Numbers in 1948 AR2: 18--19
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1950 AR4: 18--19
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Numbers in 2013 AR63: 85--92
- Population studies AR10: 26--32, AR37: 21--25
- Honey Buzzard
- Second record AR32: 5--12
- House Sparrow
- Long-term studies AR61: 98--99
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Population and breeding patterns AR54: 63--70
- Sexual selection AR45: 30--32, AR48: 31--34
- Icterine Warbler
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Isabelline Shrike
- First record AR51: 32--74
- Jay
- Third record AR53: 20--43
- Kittiwake
- Bow-and-moan display AR47: 43--49
- Breeding productivity in 2007 J1: 41--46
- Breeding productivity in 2008 J2: 85--90
- Breeding productivity in 2010 AR60: 18--46
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- Head-tossing display AR46: 29--38
- Leg-colour variation AR15: 17--22
- Numbers breeding in 1947--56 AR10: 48--53
- Numbers breeding in 1952 AR6: 23--24
- Numbers breeding in 1953 AR7: 19--20
- Numbers breeding in 1954 AR8: 28--29
- Numbers breeding in 1955 AR9: 22--23
- Numbers in 1942--56 AR10: 36--37
- Numbers in 1948 AR2: 18--19
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1950 AR4: 18--19
- Numbers in 1957 AR11: 24--26
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Numbers in 2013 AR63: 85--92
- Pair bond formation AR43: 36--41
- Pollution in eggs AR23: 31--37
- Population studies AR10: 26--32, AR38: 24--32, AR47: 28--35
- Status in 1988 AR39: 24--30
- Vocal behaviour AR34: 13--15
- Knot
- First record AR6: 4--16
- Lapland Bunting
- Exceptional numbers in 1953 AR7: 21--24
- Second record AR2: 6--17
- Lapwing
- Analysis of songflight AR35: 19--24
- Numbers breeding in 1947--56 AR10: 48--53
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Laughing Gull
- First record AR55: 21--48
- Leach's Petrel
- Second record AR23: 11--23
- Third record AR49: 12--29
- Least Sandpiper
- American Stint---first record and note AR11: 7--22
- Note AR17: 19--21
- Second record AR17: 11--19
- Lesser Black backed Gull
- Aggression and nesting behaviour J4: 85--104
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- Numbers breeding in 1952 AR6: 23--24
- Numbers breeding in 1953 AR7: 19--20
- Numbers breeding in 1954 AR8: 28--29
- Numbers breeding in 1955 AR9: 22--23
- Numbers in 1942--56 AR10: 36--37
- Numbers in 1948 AR2: 18--19
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1950 AR4: 18--19
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Numbers in 2013 AR63: 85--92
- Population studies AR10: 26--32, AR37: 21--25
- Lesser Grey Shrike
- First record (possible) AR12: 6--26
- Note AR14: 6--16
- Lesser Kestrel
- First record AR40: 8--22
- Lesser Whitethroat
- Note AR8: 21--23
- Lesser Yellowlegs
- First record AR13: 8--31
- Linnet
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- List additions in 1947--56 AR10: 54--56
- Little Bittern
- First record AR27: 5--12
- Note AR27: 13
- Little Bunting
- First record AR5: 5--17
- Note AR5: 17--21, AR26: 6--13, AR26: 15, AR37: 8--18, AR38: 8--20
- Little Crake
- First record AR6: 4--16
- Note AR6: 16--19
- Second record AR34: 5--11
- Short note AR6: 16--19
- Little Egret
- First record AR11: 7--22
- Second record AR35: 5--12, AR40: 8--22
- Little Grebe
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Little Gull
- Second record AR2: 6--17
- Little Ringed Plover
- First record AR49: 12--29
- Second record AR51: 32--74
- Third record AR61: 28--62
- Little Stint
- First record AR10: 4--18
- Second record AR44: 12--25
- Long-tailed Skua
- First record AR25: 6--12
- Second record AR63: 21--55
- Macaronesian Shearwater AR61: 28--62
- First record AR60: 18--46
- Mallard
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Manx Shearwater AR60: 76--80
- Breeding productivity in 2007 J1: 47--56
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- Breeding status in 2001 AR51: 95--103
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Population AR32: 16--20
- Population changes 2001--08 J2: 105--112
- Population changes 2001--13 J4: 105--116
- Ringing diary AR62: Plates 1--16
- Ringing studies and breeding status AR36: 23--24, AR40: 31--33
- Status in 1948 AR2: 25--26
- Tracking of foraging flights AR59: 74--75, AR61: 104--108, AR62: 98--100
- Meadow Pipit
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Migration study AR8: 24
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Mediterranean Gull
- Second record AR65: 20--57
- Melodious Warbler
- First record AR5: 5--17
- Note AR5: 17--21
- Second record AR8: 8--20
- Migration study methods AR3: 21--22
- Miscellaneous notes AR14: 20--22
- Monitoring sites (RSPB) AR32: 21--27
- Montagu's Harrier
- First record AR2: 6--17
- Moustached Warbler
- First record AR13: 8--31
- Movements in 1952 AR6: 24--34
- Myrtle Warbler (see also Yellow-rumped Warbler)
- First record AR13: 32--43
- Night Heron
- First record AR26: 6--13
- Note AR26: 13, AR27: 13
- Second record AR27: 5--12
- Third record AR41: 9--21
- Nightingale
- First record AR11: 7--22
- Numbers of breeding land birds in 2004 AR51: 104--112, AR54: 51--62
- Olive-backed Pipit
- First record AR40: 8--22
- Second record AR59: 18--53
- Third record AR62: 19--61
- Ornithological courses in 1975 AR26: 17
- Ortolan bunting
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Oystercatcher
- Numbers breeding in 1947--56 AR10: 48--53
- Numbers breeding in 1952 AR6: 23--24
- Numbers breeding in 1953 AR7: 19--20
- Numbers breeding in 1954 AR8: 28--29
- Numbers breeding in 1955 AR9: 22--23
- Numbers in 1942--56 AR10: 36--37
- Numbers in 1948 AR2: 18--19
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1950 AR4: 18--19
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Paddyfield Warbler
- First record AR58: 25--61
- Pallas's Warbler
- First record AR44: 12--25
- Second record AR45: 8--22
- Third record AR48: 9--24, AR53: 20--43
- Pectoral Sandpiper
- First record AR4: 5--16
- Note AR4: 16--18
- Peregrine
- Breeding ecology and prey J5: 75--88
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Population status, 2014 AR64: 92--97
- Pied Flycatcher
- Weights and measurements in 1951--56 AR10: 45--48
- Pied Wagtail
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Pine Grosbeak
- First record AR12: 6--26
- Pomarine Skua
- First record AR60: 18--46
- Third record AR61: 28--62, AR62: 19--61
- Population status, 2014
- Pratincole
- Possible AR15: 6--15
- Second record AR38: 8--20
- Puffin
- Breeding site selection J2: 91--104
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- Numbers breeding in 1947--56 AR10: 48--53
- Numbers breeding in 1952 AR6: 23--24
- Numbers breeding in 1953 AR7: 19--20
- Numbers breeding in 1954 AR8: 28--29
- Numbers breeding in 1955 AR9: 22--23
- Numbers in 1942--56 AR10: 36--37
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1950 AR4: 18--19
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Numbers in 1970 AR21: 12
- Numbers in 1971 AR22: 9--10, AR22: 10--11
- Numbers in 1979 AR31: 67--69
- Numbers in 1988 AR40: 28--30
- Numbers in 1995 AR46: 27--28
- Numbers in 1997 AR48: 29--30
- Numbers in 1999 AR50: 35--40
- Numbers in 2006 AR56: 50--56
- Numbers in 2007 J1: 57--64
- Numbers in 2008 AR58: 77--85
- Numbers in 2010 AR60: 75
- Numbers in 2013 AR63: 85--92
- Population and productivity, 2009, 2010 J3: 111--124
- Population studies AR38: 24--32, AR47: 28--35
- Purple Heron
- First record AR21: 4--9
- Third record AR45: 8--22
- Rüppell's Warbler
- First record AR30: 5--12
- Radde's Warbler
- First record AR47: 9--24
- Rare
- Alpine Accentor AR44: 12--25
- Alpine Swift AR13: 8--31, AR17: 6--11, AR20: 4--8, AR27: 5--12, AR27: 13
- American Robin AR6: 16--19, AR15: 6--15, AR33: 5--12
- Ancient Murrelet AR41: 8, AR41: 25, AR42: 11--24, AR43: 16--33
- Arctic Warbler AR13: 8--31, AR32: 5--12
- Baird's Sandpiper AR25: 6--12, AR25: 12--13, AR40: 8--22
- Balearic Shearwater AR55: 21--48
- Baltimore Oriole AR12: 6--26, AR18: 6--13, AR18: 14--17
- Bee-eater AR36: 5--17, AR52: 16--37
- Bimaculated Lark AR16: 3
- Black Guillemot AR62: 19--61, AR63: 21--55
- Black Kite AR35: 5--12, AR40: 8--22, AR51: 32--74
- Black Tern AR51: 32--74
- Black-billed Cuckoo AR18: 6--13, AR18: 14--17
- Black-eared Wheatear AR35: 5--12, AR38: 8--20
- Black-faced Bunting AR51: 32--74
- Black-headed Bunting AR11: 7--22, AR44: 12--25, AR48: 9--24
- Blue-winged Teal AR38: 8--20
- Bobolink AR35: 5--12
- Bonelli's Warbler (see also Eastern and Western Bonelli's Warbler) AR8: 21--23, AR13: 32--43, AR31: 5--10
- Booted Warbler AR58: 25--61, AR63: 21--55
- Bridled Tern AR28: 6--14
- Buff-breasted Sandpiper AR13: 8--31, AR25: 13, AR26: 6--13, AR34: 5--11, AR36: 5--17
- Cetti's Warbler AR53: 20--43, AR56: 20--39, AR59: 18--53
- Citrine Wagtail AR49: 12--29
- Collared Flycatcher AR41: 8
- Cory's Shearwater AR61: 28--62
- Desert Wheatear AR53: 20--43
- Dipper AR64: Plates 1--8, AR64: 60--63
- Eastern Bonelli's Warbler AR54: 16--38
- Eastern Phoebe AR38: 8--20
- Glossy Ibis AR38: 8--20
- Gray-cheeked Thrush AR36: 5--17, AR37: 8--18
- Great Auk AR45: 33--34
- Great Grey Shrike AR65: 20--57
- Green-winged Teal AR56: 20--39
- Greenish Warbler AR12: 6--26, AR24: 5--15
- Harlequin AR42: 11--24
- Isabelline Shrike AR51: 32--74
- Laughing Gull AR55: 21--48
- Leach's Petrel AR49: 12--29
- Least Sandpiper AR11: 7--22, AR17: 11--19, AR17: 19--21
- Lesser Grey Shrike AR12: 6--26, AR14: 6--16
- Lesser Kestrel AR40: 8--22
- Lesser Yellowlegs AR13: 8--31
- Little Bittern AR27: 5--12
- Little Bunting AR5: 17--21, AR26: 6--13, AR26: 15, AR37: 8--18, AR38: 8--20, AR41: 8, AR42: 34--41
- Little Crake AR6: 16--19, AR34: 5--11
- Little Egret AR40: 8--22
- Little Ringed Plover AR49: 12--29, AR51: 32--74, AR61: 28--62
- Long-tailed Skua AR25: 6--12, AR63: 21--55
- Macaronesian Shearwater AR60: 18--46, AR61: 28--62
- Mediterranean Gull AR65: 20--57
- Moustached Warbler AR13: 8--31
- Myrtle Warbler (see also Yellow-rumped Warbler) AR13: 32--43
- Olive-backed Pipit AR40: 8--22, AR59: 18--53, AR62: 19--61
- Paddyfield Warbler AR58: 25--61
- Pallas's Warbler AR44: 12--25, AR45: 8--22, AR48: 9--24, AR53: 20--43
- Pine Grosbeak AR12: 6--26
- Pomarine Skua AR60: 18--46, AR61: 28--62, AR62: 19--61
- Pratincole AR38: 8--20
- Purple Heron AR21: 4--9, AR45: 8--22
- Rüppell's Warbler AR30: 5--12
- Radde's Warbler AR47: 9--24
- Red Kite AR48: 9--24
- Red-eyed Vireo AR36: 5--17, AR39: 7--20, AR41: 8
- Red-flanked Bluetail AR55: 21--48, AR60: 18--46
- Red-headed Bunting AR5: 17--21, AR6: 16--19, AR14: 6--16
- Red-rumped Swallow AR6: 16--19, AR35: 5--12, AR38: 8--20
- Red-throated Pipit AR13: 8--31, AR20: 4--8, AR27: 5--12, AR27: 14
- Rofous-sided Towhee AR17: 11--19
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak AR36: 5--17, AR51: 32--74
- Rustic Bunting AR37: 8--18, AR41: 8, AR44: 12--25, AR45: 8--22
- Sabine's Gull AR48: 9--24
- Sardinian Warbler AR9: 27, AR39: 7--20
- Semi-palmated Sandpiper AR17: 11--19, AR17: 19--21, AR32: 5--12, AR33: 5--12, AR34: 5--11, AR45: 8--22
- Short-toed Lark AR23: 11--23, AR23: 28--29, AR30: 5--12, AR32: 5--12, AR34: 5--11, AR35: 5--12, AR37: 8--18, AR38: 8--20, AR39: 7--20, AR44: 12--25, AR45: 8--22
- Snow Goose AR37: 8--18
- Spanish Sparrow AR17: 11--19
- Spoonbill AR56: 20--39
- Subalpine Warbler AR36: 5--17, AR38: 8--20, AR39: 7--20, AR43: 16--33, AR44: 12--25, AR45: 8--22
- Swainson's Thrush AR37: 8--18, AR38: 8--20, AR46: 9--23
- Thrush Nightingale AR32: 5--12
- Trumpeter Finch AR61: 28--62
- Two-barred Crossbill AR23: 11--23, AR23: 27
- Veery AR38: 8--20, AR48: 9--24
- Waxwing AR41: 8, AR48: 9--24, AR54: 16--38
- Western Bonelli's Warbler AR27: 5--12, AR27: 13--14, AR58: 25--61, AR60: 18--46
- White Stork AR43: 16--33
- White's Thrush AR6: 16--19
- White-rumped Sandiper AR52: 16--37
- Willow Tit AR46: 9--23
- Wilson's Phalarope AR43: 16--33
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo AR37: 8--18, AR38: 8--20, AR40: 8--22
- Yellow-breasted Bunting AR33: 5--12, AR35: 5--12, AR40: 8--22
- Yellow-rumped Warbler (see also Myrtle Warbler) AR63: 21--55
- Yellowthroat AR8: 21--23
- Raven
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Razorbill
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- First-flight behaviour AR15: 17--22
- Mating behaviour AR9: 27
- Note AR8: 21--23
- Numbers breeding in 1947--56 AR10: 48--53
- Numbers breeding in 1952 AR6: 23--24
- Numbers breeding in 1953 AR7: 19--20
- Numbers breeding in 1954 AR8: 28--29
- Numbers breeding in 1955 AR9: 22--23
- Numbers in 1942--56 AR10: 36--37
- Numbers in 1948 AR2: 18--19
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1950 AR4: 18--19
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Numbers in 1970 AR21: 12
- Numbers in 1971 AR22: 9--10, AR22: 10--11
- Numbers in 1979 AR31: 67--69
- Numbers in 2013 AR63: 85--92
- Population studies AR38: 24--32, AR47: 28--35
- Results of ringing studies AR10: 19--25
- Red Kite
- Third record AR48: 9--24
- Red-breasted Flycatcher
- First record AR4: 5--16
- Red-eyed Vireo
- First record AR36: 5--17
- Second record AR39: 7--20
- Red-flanked Bluetail
- First record AR55: 21--48
- Second record AR60: 18--46
- Red-footed Falcon
- First record AR23: 11--23
- Note AR23: 30, AR26: 13--14
- Red-headed Bunting
- Note AR5: 17--21, AR6: 16--19, AR14: 6--16
- Short note AR6: 16--19
- Red-necked Grebe
- First record AR11: 7--22
- Second record AR36: 5--17, AR42: 11--24
- Red-necked Phalarope
- First record AR9: 5--18
- Red-rumped Swallow
- First record AR6: 4--16
- Note AR6: 16--19, AR38: 8--20
- Second record AR35: 5--12
- Short note AR6: 16--19
- Red-throated Pipit AR20: 4--8
- First record AR13: 8--31
- Note AR27: 5--12, AR27: 14
- Reed Warbler
- Second record AR2: 6--17
- Richard's Pipit
- First record AR11: 7--22
- Note AR11: 7--22
- Second record AR12: 6--26
- Ringing---autumn trip 1979 AR30: 18--19
- Robin
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Rock Pipit
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Rofous-sided Towhee
- First record AR17: 11--19
- Roller
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak
- First record AR36: 5--17
- Second record AR51: 32--74
- Rose-coloured Starling
- Second record AR30: 5--12
- Rough-necked Buzzard
- First record AR13: 8--31
- Ruff
- Second record AR10: 4--18
- Rustic Bunting
- First record AR37: 8--18
- Second record AR41: 8
- Third record AR44: 12--25
- Sabine's Gull
- First record AR12: 6--26
- Third record AR48: 9--24
- Sandwich Tern
- First record AR4: 5--16
- Sardinian Warbler
- Description AR9: 27
- First record AR9: 5--18
- Note AR9: 27
- Second record AR39: 7--20
- Scarlet Grosbeak (Scarlet Rosefinch)
- First record AR13: 8--31
- Note AR18: 14--17
- Scarlet Rosefinch
- First record AR13: 8--31
- Note AR18: 14--17, AR23: 27, AR26: 14--15, AR26: 15, AR27: 14
- Scaup
- First record AR9: 5--18
- Secondrecord AR17: 6--11
- Sea-birds
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- Interaction with rats AR43: 42--49, AR49: 82--85
- Population studies AR38: 24--32, AR47: 28--35
- Sedge Warbler
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Weights and measurements in 1951--56 AR10: 45--48
- Semi-palmated Sandpiper
- First record AR17: 11--19
- Note AR17: 19--21, AR32: 5--12, AR34: 5--11
- Second record AR33: 5--12
- Serin
- Note AR26: 14
- Second record AR10: 4--18, AR13: 8--31
- Shag
- Breeding status in 1969 AR20: 12--13
- Breeding studies in 1954--55 AR9: 28--31
- Feeding behavior AR47: 36--42
- Growth of chicks AR3: 27--29
- Numbers breeding in 1947--56 AR10: 48--53
- Numbers breeding in 1952 AR6: 23--24
- Numbers breeding in 1953 AR7: 19--20
- Numbers breeding in 1954 AR8: 28--29
- Numbers breeding in 1955 AR9: 22--23
- Numbers in 1942--56 AR10: 36--37
- Numbers in 1948 AR2: 18--19
- Numbers in 1949 AR3: 24--27
- Numbers in 1950 AR4: 18--19
- Numbers in 1957 AR11: 24--26
- Numbers in 1962 AR15: 17--22
- Numbers in 2013 AR63: 85--92
- Population studies AR47: 28--35
- Ringing studies AR8: 27, AR10: 38--39
- Shelduck
- Second record AR17: 11--19
- Short-toed Lark
- First record AR23: 11--23
- Note AR23: 28--29, AR30: 5--12, AR32: 5--12, AR34: 5--11, AR35: 5--12, AR37: 8--18, AR38: 8--20, AR39: 7--20
- Shoveler
- Second record AR3: 7--19
- Skylark
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Migration studies AR9: 25--27
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Snow Goose
- Note AR37: 8--18
- Song Thrush
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Sooty Shearwater
- Second record AR24: 5--15
- Spanish Sparrow
- First record AR17: 11--19
- Species notes in 1983 AR34: 38--39
- Species notes in Heaven diaries AR4: 22--27
- Spoonbill
- First record AR56: 20--39
- Spotted Crake
- First record AR18: 6--13
- Spotted Flycatcher
- Note AR8: 21--23
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Weights and measurements in 1951--56 AR10: 45--48
- Spotted Redshank
- First record AR8: 8--20
- Second record AR9: 5--18, AR13: 8--31
- Starling
- Migration studies AR9: 25--27
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Storm Petrel
- First proof of breeding AR64: Plates 1--8, AR64: 64--65
- Numbers in 2010 AR60: 81--84
- Subalpine Warbler
- First record AR36: 5--17
- Note AR39: 7--20
- Second record AR38: 8--20
- Surf Scoter
- First record AR10: 4--18
- Swainson's Thrush
- First record AR37: 8--18
- Second record AR38: 8--20, AR46: 9--23
- Swallow
- Behaviour in windy conditions AR61: 100--103
- Migration studies AR9: 25--27
- Sex differences in chick feeding J5: 89--100
- Tawny Owl
- First record AR11: 7--22
- Second record AR12: 6--26
- Tawny Pipit
- First record AR4: 5--16
- Note AR4: 16--18
- Temminck's Stint
- First record AR43: 16--33
- Thrush Nightingale
- First record AR32: 5--12
- Tit
- Unusual numbers AR11: 23--24
- Tree Creeper
- First record AR4: 5--16
- Trumpeter Finch
- First record AR61: 28--62
- Tufted Duck
- Second record AR17: 11--19
- Twite
- Second record AR6: 4--16
- Two-barred Crossbill
- First record AR23: 11--23
- Note AR23: 27
- Veery
- First record AR38: 8--20
- Second record AR48: 9--24
- Waxwing
- First record AR41: 8
- Second record AR48: 9--24
- Third record AR54: 16--38
- Western Bonelli's Warbler
- First record AR54: 16--38
- Note AR27: 5--12, AR27: 13--14
- Second record AR60: 18--46
- Second record (possible) AR58: 25--61
- Wheatear
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Numbers in 2013 AR63: 80--84
- Numbers in 2014 AR64: 69--91
- White Stork
- First record AR43: 16--33
- White's Thrush AR6: 4--16
- Note AR6: 16--19
- Short note AR6: 16--19
- White-rumped Sandpiper
- First record AR52: 16--37
- Whitethroat
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Weights and measurements in 1951--56 AR10: 45--48
- Whooper Swan
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Willow Tit
- First record AR46: 9--23
- Willow Warbler
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Wilson's Phalarope
- First record AR43: 16--33
- Wood Pigeon
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Wood-lark
- First record AR4: 5--16
- Woodchat Shrike
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Note AR25: 13--14, AR25: 14
- Wren
- Distribution and breeding densities, 2002 AR52: 94--98
- Numbers in 2001 AR51: 104--112
- Wryneck
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo
- Note AR38: 8--20, AR40: 8--22
- Second record AR37: 8--18
- Yellow-breasted Bunting
- First record AR33: 5--12
- Second record AR35: 5--12, AR40: 8--22
- Yellow-browed Warbler
- First record AR3: 7--19
- Yellow-rumped Warbler (see also Myrtle Warbler)
- Second record AR63: 21--55
- Yellowthroat
- First record AR8: 8--20
- Note AR8: 21--23