A collection of flints from a test pit Brick Field © A J Schofield

It has been known for many years that Brick Field contains large numbers of prehistoric flints but now that the field is no longer ploughed it was more difficult to asssess their importance. A programme of archaeological fieldwork led by Dr John Schofield of Southampton University investigated most of the area south of Quarter Wall by excavating shallow test-pits 1m square and seiving the soil. This showed several concentrations of mesolithic (middle stone age) flints on the cliff tops and other areas where the material seemed later in date.

Excavating a test-pit in 1990 © A J Schofield

Anti-aircraft trench

Battery Point

Beacon Hill

Brazen Ward

Brick Field

Halfway Wall

John O'Groat's House

Mangonel Battery


Montagu Steps

MV Kaaksburg


Punchbowl Valley

Quarry Cottages


Quarter Wall

Rocket Pole



The Devil's Limekiln

The Devil's Slide

The Earthquake

Landing Bay

North Light

Old Light

The Pyramid


South Light



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