We had a successful AGM day on Saturday with 78 members present at the Boniface Centre, Crediton. The day followed the tried and tested formula of lunch and socialising before the business meeting. The Lundy Company had a stall selling the new 2018 calendar and we ran a book stall, selling items that had been donated to us from the Judy Langford bequest. We were especially pleased to welcome Dean Jones, the new Lundy Warden, and many people took the opportunity to meet him.

My report at the business meeting recounted the events of Discover Lundy and everything else that took place during our 70th anniversary year. All
the Officers were re-elected and following the resignation of Paul James from the committee we carried forward a vacancy.

We had three Joneses speaking to us in the afternoon: Tim Jones gave the bird report and we welcomed Dr Steve Jones from Birmingham University to speak to us about the geology of Lundy and its context in the North Atlantic. After the tea break, Derek Green gave the Lundy report and Dean Jones gave the wildlife report.

The auction raised a staggering £454 and the book stall a further £338! We're grateful to all of our generous bidders and book buyers!

Next year's AGM will take place at the same venue on Saturday 10th March 2018. Please put the date in your diary.

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