Rosie Ellis, the new Lundy Education Officer, was due to talk at our AGM about the education programme and the volunteer ambassadors. She currently has 13 ambassadors who help her and Dean, the Warden, to deliver a range of activities. Last year they helped over 700 school children come to the island and guided hundreds of visitors. This year they are anticipating even more events and are keeping the ambassadors very busy, so are looking to recruit some extras!

After the initial training, responsibilities include leading guided walks or helping with school visits. Rosie is also keen to recruit Ambassadors who would be happy to go into schools to give a talk to children before their visit to the island. If the thought of being fit enough to walk up the hill with an accompanying group has put you off, but you’d still love to talk about Lundy to new visitors you might well be the person we’re looking for.

We ask that you can commit to at least four days during the year. You will be rewarded with free boat trips, a uniform, discount in the Tavern and Shop and now can even save up and exchange your free boat trips to other years other people.

If you are interested please fill in this form or, if you want to have a chat first, you can This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions or call her on 01237 431831 (asking for a call back and indicating when would be a good time to call).

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