What is a No Take Zone (NTZ) and why is it important?
A No Take Zone (NTZ) is a marine protected area (MPA) where all fishing and other removal of wildlife are prohibited. NTZs are used to protect marine wildlife and heritage and to safeguard or improve local fish stocks for future generations. Such closed areas can play an important part in the future of the marine environment, allowing the marine habitats to thrive with minimal human interference. NTZs may be created in isolation, be surrounded by normal fishing grounds, or form part of a larger marine reserve, like the Lundy marine protected area, which is managed for nature conservation.
When it was set up in 2003, the Lundy NTZ was the first of its kind in the UK. Nothing of a living nature is allowed to be removed from it. The NTZ is protected by law and has been monitored to determine what environmental benefits it is providing. Lobsters are thriving within the closed area which could be a benefit to nearby shellfisheries.